Bega Falls
- Bega Falls is considered as a standout amongst the most astounding cascades in the whole region of Agusan del Sur. It is a 4-level falls of invigorating and cold waters covered up in the wildernesses of the region. Every fall has its very own catch bowl useful for swimming. Be that as it may, the main level or the highest cascade is the most noteworthy of all. The water falls on the immense limestone rock down the wide bowl beneath. Picnicking, swimming and bluff hopping are the best activities here.
Tugonon Falls
- Tugonon Falls is likewise one of the known goals in the region of Agusan del Sur. The water falls on the two sides of a stone that resembles an immense square. The level surface at the top could be a perfect spot for precipice bouncing, it is prescribed to approach local people for safe spots. It has additionally a wide and profound bowl reasonable for swimming. The falls is encompassed by rich trees, plants and wild orchids. The name of the falls is gotten from "tugon", which means remind. Maybe, it is to help individuals to take care to remember the compelling force of nature. Tugonon Falls is arranged in Barangay San Lorenzo, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur.